Motherwort Tincture


A 1:3 Tincture of Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) flowers and leaves, in alcohol, 30ml or 50ml.

Motherwort is used to treat anxiety, difficult PMS, as an emmenagogue, for hot-flashes and mood swings in menopause, as a cardiac tonic and in cardiac arrhythmia. In our experience, very few other plants have such a fast a profound effect on anxiety and agitation as this one does.

Motherwort is counter-indicated in pregnancy. If you’re looking for Motherwort as a dry herb, it’s right here.

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A 1:3 Tincture of Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) flowers and leaves, in alcohol. Available in a 30ml (1oz) or 50ml (1.7oz) dropper bottle.

Our favourite use for Motherwort is to help alleviate anxiety. In our experience, very few other plants have such a fast and profound effect on anxiety and agitation as this one does. Among its other traditional uses, it’s been employed as a heart tonic in cases of cardiac arrhythmia, as an emmenagogue and for difficult PMS, to treat hot flashes and mood swings in menopause, as a hormone balancer, and in thyroid conditions.

Motherwort is counter-indicated in pregnancy.

The tincture is a handy way to keep this herbal helper close to you, for when you don’t have time to make tea! It’s also a bit easier to take than the amazingly bitter Motherwort tea.

Additional information

Weight 0.2 lbs
Dimensions 4 × 2 × 2 in

30ml/1oz, 50ml/1.7oz