Old Carpenter’s Rub is an herbal salve for injured joints. This salve, developed by a carpenter-turned-herbalist, was created in the wake of several serious back injuries from heavy lifts and repeated bending. It’s made to help with torn ligaments, disc herniations, sprains, or any injury in which tissues are torn.
The powerful herbs in this salve will help people who overwork their bodies, through sports, hard work or in any of the other ways a body can be pushed too far.
Please don’t use this if you are allergic to Aspirin, as it contains natural salicin from Balsam Poplar buds.
Balsam Poplar (P. balsamifera)*, Willow bark (Salix bebbiana)*, St. Johnswort (H. perforatum)*, Goldenseal (H. canadensis), Silver Cinquefoil (P. argentia)*, Viper’s Bugloss (Echium vulgare)*, Beeswax, Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
* These ingredients are Wild harvested.
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